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Use the buttons below to get started with Bestow:

  • 100% online

  • No medical exams

  • No case management

  • Fast decisions, fully underwritten pricing

  • Pay with debit or credit card

Man and woman sitting on floor looking at a laptop on a coffee table.. Both are smiling and the man is pointing to the screen.

Icon of clipboard with a circle around and line through it.

No medical exams

There are no medical exams, no lab tests, no waiting around for results. Clients won't have to visit a doctor's office and won't need to have anyone come to their home.

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No case management

A streamlined, all-digital process means no chasing forms or missing information, and no waiting around for an underwriting decision.

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Shorter application time

Applications are 100% online. Clients answer simple health and lifestyle questions and, if qualified, get their rate in minutes.

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Privacy & accuracy

Clients may feel more comfortable disclosing sensitive information when the process takes place online, as opposed to working with a life representative.

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Competitive pricing & super fast decisions

No medical exams and automated underwriting means your client will have a decision on the spot.

Icon of a thumbs up

Easy to understand

Insurance can feel complicated. A simplified process and simplified language make it approachable and easy to understand for your clients.