Sales Tip: Ask (and assume) with confidence!
Enthusiasm is contagious!
Exude confidence in asking and assuming the sale.
The quicker you show confidence interacting with your prospect, the more likely you'll convert more of your telesales presentations.
And while confidence is always important in any sales call, it's doubly important for the telesales rep.
You do not have access to the same visual cues that unconsciously build confidence that many face-to-face agents take for granted.
If you come off as coy, unconfident, or unenthusiastic, chances are your prospect will sour on doing business with you. They just "won't feel good" about you as an agent and retreat into defense, preferring to pass up on your offer, avoiding buying from someone they don't entirely trust.
How do you exude confidence?
Be happy, have fun!
Have a heart for helping your client first and foremost.
Don't make a big deal out of asking for vital information like Social Security and checking account numbers. Treat them like any other questions you ask your prospects.
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