Sales Tip: Slow. It. Down.
Here's a big tip for you first-time telesales agents...
Simply SLOW DOWN your final expense sales presentation over the phone.
Your biggest disadvantage of selling over the phone is the lack of body language and visual cues to strengthen the bonds of rapport and trust between you and your prospect.
And the core component to sales success... especially selling over the phone... is building a solid level of trust.
What can you do to build better levels of trust over the phone?
Focus not just on WHAT you say, but HOW you say it.
When you’re building rapport, take time to REALLY connect with your clients.
Avoid rushing immediately into the sales presentation. Instead, REALLY get to know your client. Show them that you care about more than simply making a sale.
It may seem strange at first to slow down and go deeper into rapport-building, but over time, you'll become comfortable with it.
Dunhill is here to help you generate and close more business, from sales tips like this to our new Final Expense Marketing System, which generates, organizes, and re-targets prospects.
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